Pavement Design
- Water Content of Soil (BS EN ISO 17892-1: 2014)
- Moisure Content of Soil (BS1377: Part 2: Clause 3.2: 1990)
Results given:
- Water or moisture content (as % of water to dry mass)
You provide:
- No information required
Typical use(s):
- Basic material property
Material required:
- Fine grained – 50g
- Medium grained – 300g
- Coarse grained – 3kg
Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship
- Dry Density Moisture Content Relationship using:
5kg hammer in a 1 litre mould (Proctor) (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3:3 1990)
2.5kg hammer in a CBR mould (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.4: 1990)
4.5kg hammer in a 1 litre mould (Proctor) (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.5: 1990)
4.5kg hammer in a CBR mould (BS1377: Part 4 Clause 3.6: 1990)
Vibrating hammer (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.7: 1990)
Results given:
- Optimum moisture content
- Dry density at OMC
You provide:
Specify which method is required
- 5kg compactive effort
- 5kg compactive effort
- Vibrating hammer
Typical use(s):
- Determining what density may be achievable on site using earthworking equipment
- Used in conjunction with other tests to find out what envelope of conditions give suitable end results
Material required:
Particles susceptible to crushing
- Less than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 15kg
- More than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 40kg
Particles not susceptible to crushing
- Less than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 6kg
- More than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 15kg
- California Bearing Ratio (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 7: 1990)
Results given:
- California Bearing Ratio
You provide:
- Remoulding conditions, if not undisturbed
- If sample is to be soaked
Typical use(s):
- Determining suitability of ground for intended road/pavement design/specifications
Material required:
- 6kg, if remoulded
- Full CBR mould, if undisturbed (with prepared ends, or protruding sample)
- Electrical Resistivity/Conductivity on undisturbed specimen
- Electrical Resistivity/Conductivity on remoulded specimen
- Thermal Conductivity of undisturbed specimen
- Thermal Conductivity of remoulded specimen and soft rock
- Thermal Conductivity of hard rock core
- pH
- Sulphate – Total
- Sulphate – Water Soluble
- Sulphate – Groundwater
- Organic Content
- Loss on Ignition
- Carbonate
- Chloride – Water Soluble
- Chloride – Acid Soluble
- BRE Digest SD1 : 2005 Concrete Aggressivity Suite – (Suite A)
All sites suite (not ‘Brownfield’ or pyritic sites)
(Tests performed are Water Soluble Sulphate, and pH determination)
- BRE Digest SD1 : 2005 Concrete Aggressivity Suite – (Suite B)
All sites suite (not ‘Brownfield’ but may contain pyrites sites)
(Tests include Total Sulphate, Water Soluble Sulphate, Total Sulphur, pH determination)
- BRE Digest SD1 : 2005 Concrete Aggressivity Suite – (Suite C)
Brownfield sites (but not containing pyrites)
(Tests include Total Sulphate, Water Soluble Sulphate, Total Sulphur, Water Soluble Nitrate, Water Soluble Chloride and pH determination)
- BRE Digest SD1 : 2005 Concrete Aggressivity Suite – (Suite D)
Brownfield sites containing pyrites
(Tests include Total Sulphate, Water Soluble Sulphate, Total Sulphur, Water Soluble Nitrate, Water Soluble Chloride and pH determination)
Extra over all BRE SD1 Suites for determination of Magnesium as per BRE Digest 279 : 1995
Determination of Magnesium content in 2:1 soil / water extract by atomic absorption spectrometry (If required)