Landfill Liners
Dry Density/Moisture Content Relationship
- Dry Density Moisture Content Relationship using:
5kg hammer in a 1 litre mould (Proctor) (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3:3 1990)
2.5kg hammer in a CBR mould (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.4: 1990)
4.5kg hammer in a 1 litre mould (Proctor) (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.5: 1990)
4.5kg hammer in a CBR mould (BS1377: Part 4 Clause 3.6: 1990)
Vibrating hammer (BS1377: Part 4: Clause 3.7: 1990)
Results given:
- Optimum moisture content
- Dry density at OMC
You provide:
Specify which method is required
- 5kg compactive effort
- 5kg compactive effort
- Vibrating hammer
Typical use(s):
- Determining what density may be achievable on site using earthworking equipment
- Used in conjunction with other tests to find out what envelope of conditions give suitable end results
Material required:
Particles susceptible to crushing
- Less than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 15kg
- More than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 40kg
Particles not susceptible to crushing
- Less than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 6kg
- More than 5% of material larger than 20mm: 15kg
- Water content of soil (BS EN ISO 17892-1: 2014)
- Moisture content of soil (BS1377: Part 2: Clause 3:2 : 1990)
Results given:
- Water or moisture content (as % of water to dry mass)
You provide:
- No information required
Typical use(s):
- Basic material property
Material required:
- Fine grained – 50g
- Medium grained – 300g
- Coarse grained – 3kg
(Atterberg Limits)
- Liquid and plastic limits of soil – 4 point cone penetrometer method
(BS EN ISO 17892-12: Clauses 5:3 and 5:5 : 2018)
- Liquid and plastic limits of soil – 1 point cone penetrometer method
(BS EN ISO 17892-12: Clauses 5:3 and 5:5: 2018)
Results given:
- Liquid limit
- Plastic limit
- Plasticity index
- % retained on 425μm sieve
You provide:
Specify which method is required –
- 1 point
- 4 point
Typical uses(s):
- Basic classification of material according to its behaviour
Material required:
- Enough sample to provide 300g of material passing a 425μm sieve
- Triaxial Permeability up to 4 days duration (BS 1377: Part 6: Clause 6: 1990)
Results given:
- Coefficient of Permeability
You provide:
- Remoulding conditions, if applicable
- Effective consolidation pressure
- Differential pressure or hydraulic gradient (optional)
Typical use(s):
- Ensuring permeability of landfill clay liner meets required specification
Material required:
- If remoulded, 2kg (for 100mm diameter specimen)
- If undisturbed, 100mm diameter core-cutter or liner sample, at least 100mm intact length
- The duration of this test is material dependent
- To ensure accurate, repeatable results, we follow the British Standard method (BS1377: Part 6: Clause 6: 1990) involving saturation to a B value of 0.95, followed by consolidation to at least 95% pore pressure dissipation.
- Although not a rapid test, typical durations are often less than some people’s preconceptions.
- As a rough guide, we have found the following durations typical:
Cement bentonite grout mixes – 7 days
Stiff London Clay – 9 days
Very soft alluvial very silty clay (material already saturated, but long consolidation stage) – 8 days
Silty sandy boulder clay – 6 days
Bentonite enriched sands – 10+ days
- Bulk and dry density by Linear Measurement Method (BS EN ISO 178-92: 2014 Clause 5:1)
- Bulk and dry density by Immersion in Fluid Method (BS EN ISO 17892-2: 2014 Clause 5:2)
- Bulk and dry density by Fluid Displacement Method (BS EN ISO 17892-2: 2014 Clause 5:3)
Results given:
- Bulk density
- Dry density (if water content known)
- Water content
You provide:
Which method is to be used –
- Linear Measurement Method (by direct measurement – calipers and weighing)
- Immersion in Fluid Method (weighing above and below a specified fluid)
- Fluid Displacement Method (measuring the displacement of a specified fluid by a test specimen)
Typical use(s):
- Basic material properties
Material required:
- A cylindrical sample or a minimum of 1kg of intact lumps of at least 50mm diameter is preferred
(sieve & mechanical analysis)
- Particle Size Distribution by Wet sieve analysis (BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016, clause 5.2)
- Particle Size Distribution by Dry sieve analysis (BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016, clause 5.2)
- Mechanical analysis by Hydrometer method (BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016, clause 5.3)
- Mechanical analysis by Pipette method (BS EN ISO 17892-4:2016, clause 5.4)
Results given:
- Grading of material (% of each particle size)
- Percentages of clay and silt fractions (if pipette or hydrometer analysis performed)
You provide:
- Specify if pipette analysis is required to individually determine clay and silt content
- If pipette or hydrometer analysis is specified, what quantities of fine material (passing 63μm sieve, clay and silt) needs to be present to require the pipette or hydrometer analysis to be performed (eg. Only if >10% fines present)
Typical use(s):
- Basic classification of material according to its particle size
Material required:
Depends on particle size. For not more than 10% of the following sizes, uses the corresponding sample mass –
Size Sample Mass
63mm 40kg
50mm 35kg
37.5mm 14kg
28mm 6kg
20mm 2kg
14mm 1kg
10mm 500g
6.3mm 300g
3.35mm 200g
<2mm 100g